Wednesday, 22 August 2012

HURTS like crazy *GRAWR*

woke up this morning with my leg felt like #DAMNHURT
it's all because of  the supersmall accident yesterday -__-
i was learning to ride motorcycle
it was all well and i started to get too proud
i told my mom "You see ? i'm quite a fast learner right?"
until suddenly, *BANG !*
SUCCESSFULLY, hit the sidewalk

You can see the BLOODY BLOOD there :|

it's was not hurt at first
but this morning it went WILD
and i felt like adsfaskgnuaehgagskldfasfjaklwfns

ok, enough for the bloody moment
Now i'd like to say thanks to my beloved cousins :)
thanks for the lovely moments recently ♥

really enjoy 'em
hope you all will come and visit more often
and we will go to karaoke, cinema, eat, and sleep together again
muah muah muah :*

but i've got one request please
don't come when i'm still having my billion tasks on deadline -__-
with love,
your evil sister ♥

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