BELIEVE it or not !

Mon, 27 August 2012
Today’s #storyoftheday is really shocking like SERIOUSLY
Youngest Mother Ever

Peruvian five-year-old Lina Medina, accompanied by her 11-month-old-son Gerardo, and Doctor Lozada who attended her son's birth, are shown in this 1940 file photo taken in Lima's hospital.
When her child was born by Caesarean section in May 1939, Medina made medical history, and is still the youngest known mother in the world.
Lina Medina's parents thought their 5-year-old daughter had a huge abdominal tumor and when shamans in their remote village in Peru's Andes could find no cure, her father carried her to a hospital.
Just over a month later, she gave birth to a boy.
Medina was born on September 27, 1933 in the small village of Paurange.  She was only 5 years 8 months old at the birth of her child on Mother's Day, May 14, 1939.
Born at full term at Lima's maternity clinic, her child was taken through a caesarian operation (Dr. Lozada and Busalleu, operators, Dr. Colretta, anesthesiologist). The child (boy), weighing 2,700 grams, was well formed and in good health. Child and mother were able to leave the clinic after only a few days.
Doctor Lozada has conducted very detailed studies since the diagnostic of the pregnancy which aroused much curiosity in the country; he took an x-ray of the child and her baby, established a diagnostic of the fetal situation, observed the state of functionality of the little mother who had begun menstruating at the age of 8 months. At four years old she had already developed breasts as well as pubic hair, her body proportions were a bit amazing and her bone hardening a bit advanced, things that are often observed in cases of such premature pregnancy.
After taunting from schoolmates, Medina's son, Gerardo - who was named after one of the doctors who attended Medina and who became their mentor - discovered when he was 10 that the person he had grown up believing to be his sister was in fact his mother.
Gerardo died in 1979 at age 40 from a disease that attacks the body's bone marrow, but it was said it was not clear there was any link with his illness and the fact his mother had been so young at his birth.
Medina herself married and in 1972 had a second son, 33 years after her first.  Her second child now lives in Mexico.

Sat, 25 August 2012

The story today will be about a #shouldbelucky phone number that turned into a #badluck number

How pity :|


Demonic Cellphone Number Banned After Everyone Who’s Had it in Last 10 Years Dies

0888 888 888 is a cellphone number that will forever live in infamy in Bulgaria: It’s been permanently suspended by cell carrier Mobitel after all three of the people who’ve had it in the past ten years have died untimely deaths.
Its first owner was actually the former CEO of Mobitel: He died of cancer at age 48, and it was rumored that one of his business rivals poisoned him with radiation.
Its second and third owners were a mafia boss and a drug kingpin, respectively, both of whom were gunned down. It doesn’t get much more dramatic than the Telegraph‘s description of one of their deaths:
The number then passed to Bulgarian mafia boss, Konstantin Dimitrov, who was gunned down in 2003 by a lone assassin in the Netherlands during a trip to inspect his £500 million drug smuggling empire.
If you call the number now, you’ll get a message saying that the phone is “outside network coverage.”
Ironically, 8 is considered a lucky number in many Asian countries. In fact, in 2003, a Chinese airline spent $280,000 to buy 8888-8888 as their phone number in an auction.

Fri, 24 August 2012
Here’s my comeback with another #don’tknowwhattosay story ;)
It’s unexpected, unbelievable, but still – IT REALLY DID HAPPEN !

Fainted After Got Bitten by Mosquito
A TAIWAN television presenter was taken to hospital after a mosquito flew into her mouth, choking her and interrupting her live broadcast of a news program. The mosquito got so deep into Huang Ching's mouth that it was stuck in her windpipe, touching off severe asthma, China Times media group said today.
China Television Co had to urgently put on a four-minute advert while it drafted in a replacement presenter to carry on with the news.
"I never expected a mosquito to have such a great power. It really gave me a bad day," Ms Huang said after recovering from last week's unlikely interruption. The senior anchor spent a day in hospital.
Thu, 23 August 2012
As i promised, today i’d share another story :)
and i don’t know what to say to this little girl who MUST NOT
eat any ice cream otherwise she’ll *BYEBYE*
Feel bad for her :(
If it was me, i will go crazy *GRAWR*
since i’m an ice-cream-holic #yippie
Let’s proceed to the story ;)

If She Eat an Ice Cream, this little girl would die
       We often hear parents told their children not to eat ice cream because they afraid that they would be sick, but it’s a different story for this little girl from New York. She MUST NOT eat any ice cream.
       Not just ice cream, Priscilla Pomerantz is also prohibited from consuming everything that is under 20 degree celcius, or else, her body would itch unbearably and even stop breathing.
       Her parents, said that their daughter has been diagnosed with this rare disease called Cold Urticaria since 7 years old. Her chance to recover was said to be only 11%.
       Everyday, Priscilla has to take a bath with water of 30 degree celcius. Meanwhile, her most comfortable room temperature is 30-32 degree celcius.

Wed, 22 August 2012
Hey there !
I’ve read this book recently
it talks about various kinds of funny stupid and unbelievable facts
I’d like to share some of them
but let’s try one first ;)

ANGRY, Fat woman sit on her lover to death
A wife from Cleveland surprised people when brought
to court on charges of murder. The surprising part was she didn’t kill
her husband by weapon or poison, but instead, the 136 kg wife sat
on her thin husband to death !
It started from a small fight between Mia Landingham and
Mikal Middlestonbey on August 2010. In the middle of fight,
Mia sat on her husband and unwittingly, her husband was dead.
Mia was sentenced to three years probation and 100 days community

Waow, it surprised me a lot
How about you? Haha
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