Wednesday 5 September 2012

Memorial of retreat ! ;) ♥

Alohaaaaa !
today i'd like to post pictures captured during our retreat last time :D
but i can't post all of them, b'cause the memory's EXTRABIG
As what i've told you, we went to Laverna at Sanggau from 30th August - 1st September
Here's it ! Enjoy ♥

Here's a photo of our class leader named Steven, we called him AHE LasenZyong Jiu Ko Yong Li Po Hian :P

Firecamp♥ 31 September 2012

Laverna :D

My Group doing yell-yell :P

My group, Responsibility, during outbound @1st post

Friendliness - Talent Show

My Group - Talent Show

My Group - Talent Show

Steadfast - Talent Show

Integrity - Talent Show

Discipline - Talent Show

Polaroid me and other gossip girls ♥

Lele, Me, and Dessy

Meeeee ♥

Caca and Me ♥

Gossip girls :P this was the first night there and we were gossiping the whole school until almost 3 a.m. The next morning we woke up late and got scolded -__-

XI Science 3 and 4 - IBC

Nao and Me ♥

Caca, Vicky, Nao, Me, Yunita BBQ Time !

Firecamp + BBQ time :D

My group - Responsibility

Polaroid - My Group Got second place for outbound :D *AHAY*

Firecamp !


Responsibility - after putting hands to UNKNOWN liquid

My Group ♥

otw back to Pontianak :D

Sherly and Me ♥

Yunita, Dessy, Caca, Me :D

@riam, with sir andrew and miss Irena

BBQ time !

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