Monday, 3 September 2012


groaaaah, didn't update my blog 4 days already
as what i've mentioned in the previous blog, i've been going to retreat at laverna for 3 days and 2 nights
it was seriously fun there ! especially with my friends ;*
the first day on thursday,  the bus departed at 6
we reached laverna about 12 *forgot already :P*
lot of my friends carsick during the journey
that night, the girls in my cottage gathered in the living room and we were gossiping until about 3 !
as the result, we slept for only 2 and a half hour ! the teacher came to wake us up :(

the next day, we were supposed to Riam, which is the name of the waterfall there
but when the teachers checked at the morning, one of the teacher nearly swept away
so it's cancelled
but then the people there suggested us another safer route
unfortunately, there was no any waterfall. only the river
the water there was really fresh  !
that night we had BBQ and fire camp !
it was seriously fun !
but i got a little bit sick that night :( *asdfghjkl*
caught a cold *geez*

the last day we had an outbound early in the morning
*gosh* like this activity SO MUCH !
there was this one game, we were supposed to take coins from a jar full of crickets
but LUCKILY , the people there didn't know about this and when they saw the jar, they threw away all the crickets
really hate insects and thanks a lot to the one who threw them away ♥
after the outbound, we went back to pontianak about 1 o'clock and reached pontianak at about 8
during the journey, we sang a lot of songs in the bus

the next morning i was planning to have a sleep as long as i wanted
but suddenly remembered that i got mandarin course at 8.30 *GRAWR*
and about 2 i went to look for a dress for my cousin's wedding this month
then we went to eat together with the whole family at ahian in purnama street
finally went home at 9 and tired like crazy -___-
i was trying to open my blog and posting but the internet last night was seriously *URGH*
so i went to sleep and here i am today posting this post
and i woke up at 4 this morning and i'm tired seriously
but this week is full of tests ! *ARRRRGH*

ok, enough for today
going to sleep for a while and then study for computer test tomorrow

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